This Month at DTLT – February 2018

It’s been a while since our last update, and we’ve all been busy at DTLT. But the big news is that registration for the 2018 Digital Pedagogy Lab is now open! UMW faculty and staff are welcome and encouraged to apply to attend. To further entice you, the 8 DPL Fellows were also announced. Check out the full slate of one- and four-day courses, as well as the keynote speakers we have lined up.

Sean, on top of his role as Director of DPL, has been busy working with a 9 person faculty cohort to develop online courses for the Bachelor of Liberal Studies, in cooperation with CAS and Continuing and Professional Studies. He presented a keynote at the University of Delaware with Lora Taub, “Ethical Online Learning: Critical Pedagogy and Social Justice” and published “Adventures in Unveiling: Critical Pedagogy and Imagination” on Hybrid Pedagogy.

You may have noticed some changes to our DTLT website, as well as UMW Domains. Jess has been busy redesigning the two sites, and the results speak for themselves! They are now more user-friendly, as well as more visually appealing. Look for a blog post coming soon from Jess, explaining what other structural changes she made, informed in part from her course work for her MS in User-Centered Design!

Our DTLT aides, Stef and Bethany, are responsible for the artwork you see on the UMW Domains site, as well as designing new stickers and  a poster for the upcoming talk by Dorothy Kim. They are both learning Photoshop and other design platforms, and are responsible for our new DTLT sweatshirts!

Lee presented at the annual Modern Languages Association conference in New York City, talking about (among other things) building your academic digital identity and anxious pedagogies. She also had a book review published in The Comics Grid. Finally, the Student Beta-Tester program has also gone into…beta-testing, so if you are interested in having a student beta-test a digital assignment you have created, please let her know.

For this month’s Digital Knowledge Faculty Initiative meeting, Kris led the participants through a Cryptoparty, to secure their digital identity and privacy. Kris also began collaborative work with UNC-Charlotte’s Data Science Institute and other organizations researching and combating human trafficking and published Education and Disinformation.

Nigel has been working hard on getting to know the advanced analytics side of Canvas to help us get a better picture of usage and assessment strategies. He continues to hold office hours at the Stafford Campus, which have proven to be quite popular with the faculty there. He has also been working with a number of faculty on incorporating photography and 360 video into their courses.

This update straddles 2017 and 2018, and at the end of last year, Jesse was featured on Inside Higher Ed as part of their Digital Learning Year-End Recap. He also spoke to NPR about devices in the classroom and co-presented with Sean at this year’s AAC&U conference. Jesse was invited to serve on program committee for the Open Education 2018 Conference. Closer to home, he joined the UMW Safe Zone committee in 2017 and led two trainings for students and one advanced training for faculty/staff.

It’s been a busy few months for DTLT. But as always, our priority to to work with faculty here at UMW. We have been working one-on-one with you, as well as continuing to do our class visits. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us at!

Feature Image by Marc Sendra martorell on Unsplash