The core of the liberal arts is what makes an institution like University of Mary Washington distinct — and what makes the degrees students get from UMW distinctly marketable. How, though, do the liberal arts find themselves inflected ethically within edtech, initiatives like Domain of One’s Own, fully online learning, continuing education? How does UMW grow ethically via these mechanisms while continuing to integrate the core values of the liberal arts?
In 2016 – 2017, the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies hosted a series of events aimed at bringing together the UMW community to contribute to these important conversations. The series will continue in the 2017 – 2018 year with monthly “town halls” featuring guest speakers, faculty and student panels, and more.
These events will be live-streamed with a Twitter backchannel on #DoOO. While we will aim to bring in outside experts and to highlight expertise from within UMW, the center of the events will be the discussion had by participants — both on the ground and virtually.
Dorothy Kim teaches Medieval Literature at Vassar College. She was a 2013-2014 Fellow at the University of Michigan’s Frankel Institute of Advanced Judaic Studies where she finished a monograph entitled Jewish/Christian Entanglements: Ancrene Wisse and its Material Worlds which is forthcoming from the University of Toronto press. She also has two books, Digital Whiteness and Medieval Studies and Decolonize the Middle Ages, forthcoming in 2018 with ArcPress. She has received fellowships from the SSHRC, Ford Foundation, Fulbright, and Mellon. She is the co-project director in the NEH-funded Scholarly Editions and Translations project An Archive of Early Middle English that plans to create a 161 MSS database for medieval English manuscripts from 1100-1348 that include all items in Early Middle English. She is co-editing two collections in the Digital Humanities. The first collection, co-edited with Jesse Stommel (University of Mary Washington) on Disrupting the Digital Humanities (November 2017, punctum books), discusses the marginal methodologies and critical diversities in the Digital Humanities. The second collection, co-edited with Adeline Koh on Alternative Histories of the Digital Humanities (forthcoming 2018, punctum books), examines the difficult histories of the digital humanities in relation to race, sexuality, gender, disability, fascism. She is co-editing A Cultural History of Race in the Renaissance and Early Modern Age (1350-1550) with Kimberly Coles (University of Maryland, College Park) with Bloomsbury. She is the medieval editor for the Orland Project 2.0 and can be followed @dorothyk98. She was named by Diverse: Issues in Higher Ed 2015 Emerging Scholar under 40. And she will be teaching a class with Angel Nieves (Yale University) in 2018 on “Race, Social Justice: DH Methods and Applications” at DHSI at the University of Victoria.
This talk will address the dog whistle of “free speech” now used in attacks on university faculty as a way for the alt-right to gain access to college campuses. It will consider my own case as a clear incitement to violence as it followed an established pattern set by Milo Yiannopolous during #Gamergate. It will also discuss the rise and visibility of academic white supremacy as it has become a conduit for white supremacist ideology to infiltrate the academy.